Dear followers, you know that I have always been transparent with you and many have been concerned about my weight and health, that is why I want to inform you that in this pandemic my weight increased more than normal and therefore ...

Dayana Rodríguez Grullón
@GorditaFitrd I remember when I first went to see Dr. Betances. I was nervous, depressed, and unsure of myself, but with a great desire to free myself from the obesity that made my existence so difficult. After listening ...

Carmen Fernandez
It was the best decision !!! At a health level, I no longer depend on the bimba for asthma, I don't use pills for hypertension and my feet no longer swell. Now my self-esteem has increased and I feel safe ...

Benedette Lozada
Obesity was never a matter of appearance or vanity. Being obese never defined who I was, but my body couldn't do enough anymore. I was 2️⃣4️⃣3️⃣ pounds and had just turned 34 when I decided it was time ...

Gregory Partners
Today a year ago I started the points diet ... Yes, I cut half my stomach they gave me a Points trip and discount. Already with 111 pounds less, it is true that he feels much better and I no longer suffer ...

Agneris Lendor
Fear is only overcome by facing it ”, were the words of the psychiatrist in the third session. I had suspended the surgery three times out of fear, but those words at the end of that session made me decide and put everything in the hands of ...

Fausto Jimenez
“☝More than a year ago, someone told me: YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO DO IT! ❌. I felt bad (I can't deny it😔). Today I appreciate it🙏, those have been the 3⃣ words that have MOTIVATED me the most💪 during this process. ”🙌 - Fausto Jiménez 👉🏼

Stayci ledesma
Life changed me from the moment I made the decision. The key factor for me was having the right people and support by my side. They told me "it is not achieved only with surgery" and I opted for an exercise ...

Freddy Sanchez
Over the years I realized that obesity is not a lifestyle as many people thought, it is a silent disease that destroys the human being little by little. Bariatric surgery is one of ...

Dailyn mariel
1 year ago my life changed. I made the best decision of my life; for my health and for me. I remember that at 7:30 am when I was in the pre-anesthesia process my nerves betrayed me and I thought and ...

Saylin vazquez
On the way to deciding who to operate on, a great friend of my family recommended Doctor Betances to me, I spoke with him and his team and I made the decision to travel to have surgery with him without knowing him (honestly I was afraid ...

I was just saying and when will the day be that I take a photo and my thighs are separated and the hole in the middle is visible! 😄 Well, I don't know, but you can see it there !! 😂 YES YOU CAN !! ...

Cristina Báez de Cid
1 YEAR #surgiversary 🚧 Work in Progress 🚧. I see my #tbt and I don't even recognize myself, I found that photo recently, I don't remember when it was taken. But it makes me panic to see myself (and share it) because I remember feeling suffocated when walking 10 steps, my ...

Axel cavalli
So here goes my #surgiversary photo! Yesterday marked my one year anniversary after getting my gastric sleeve! If I would have known, I would have done it sooner !! I have never been more happier with myself than I am now !! And those ...
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